Do You Know Someone Who Really Needs a New Central Air System?
Here at Tri City, we truly value the connections we build within our local community. Along with the support of Trane, we are looking to help out a family in need and are looking for YOUR help nominating who you believe deserves a new Air Conditioning System FOR FREE.If you know a family in need, maybe a single parent balancing it all, a family battling a sickness & medical bills, affected by recent job layoffs, or just having a tough time, we want to know!
Please fill the nomination form by 10/15/2023 with their story and why you believe they are deserving of this.
ONE special nominee will be picked on 11/1/2023 for a FREE AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION
It means the world to us, to be able to support the community that has been supporting us since 1963.
Disclaimer: Site visit is required before a winner will be selected, winner will be contacted to verify eligibility. Winner will be subject to media release.