Benefits of Oil to Gas Conversion
CT Heating Pros Serving New Haven & Fairfield Counties
For years, oil and gas for home heating were highly competitive with consumers seeing little difference in price between the two. However, recent advances in technology have greatly increased the availability of natural gas. As a consequence, natural gas users are now enjoying lower costs than homeowners relying on oil, triggering a trend toward converting from oil to natural gas.
At Tri-City Heating and Cooling, our team makes converting from oil to gas as easy as can be. We can answer any of your questions about the benefits you get to enjoy when you convert from oil to gas and help you make the switch today.
What are the Benefits of Switching to Natural Gas?
Natural Gas Is Safe
Gas industry experts have determined that natural gas is incredibly safe. These days, an odor is added into the gas, which allows homeowners to detect any gas leaks or issues with the supply line right away. In addition, gas companies go to extraordinary lengths to keep the supply infrastructure secure, which enables the safe distribution of gas to your home or business. Other types of fuel require trucks to deliver the fuel to a home or business, providing opportunities for spills or accidents natural gas is not subject to. In the event an interior gas line or appliance does develop a problem, Tri-City Heating and Cooling is available 24/7 to ensure the problem is taken care of right away and your home or business is kept safe.
Natural Gas Is Economical & Reliable
Oil to gas conversion provides home and business owners with an economical solution to high heating bills. Obviously, utility prices are subject to many variables, but with the abundance of domestic natural gas production, it is likely prices will remain reasonably stable for many years. That should provide home and business owners with a sense of security as natural gas costs will likely remain lower than competing fuels in coming years.
Natural gas supplies are rarely affected by weather conditions or damage. On the other hand, oil deliveries are easily compromised during severe weather, placing homes and businesses at risk.
Natural Gas Is Environmentally Friendly
Today’s natural gas burns cleaner than in the past. Nitrogen oxide content is significantly lower, reducing the potential for air pollution related to the fuel. There is also no danger of spills contaminating the surrounding soil as is frequently seen with oil. Environmentally conscious consumers generally recognize gas as the better alternative for home heating.
Natural Gas Does Not Require Storage
Another benefit of natural gas is the fact that there is no need for home or business owners to deal with underground storage tanks that are susceptible to leaks. In-home oil tanks tend to leak, which contaminates the surrounding area and leaves unpleasant odors that are difficult to eliminate.
Call (203) 303-5700 to learn more about the benefits of oil to gas conversion. Our Connecticut heating team is here to answer all of your questions.
Enjoy the Benefits of Oil to Gas Conversion
At Tri-City Heating and Cooling, our heating professionals can help home or business owners decide if it is time to consider converting to natural gas. Evidence strongly suggests that the benefits of oil to gas conversion in Milford and other areas in Coastal Connecticut outweigh any negative factors. However, many residents automatically assume the costs of the conversion are prohibitive. Tri-City Heating and Cooling’s experts will explore the options to reduce costs for switching now. Even when the costs of the conversion are carefully considered, the net savings anticipated for typical users generally make the process cost-effective.
Reach out to our team at (203) 303-5700 or contact us online to make the switch from oil to gas. Our team is here to help!